Tuesday 4 November 2014



Hey viewers 😊 (...if there's anyone else except for Mr Ari lol)

First things first, the name's Jasmine Yap Jia Mien (pronounced as 'Min' , not 'Mian' 😞 ). And I'm a female if you hadn't realise.
  • If you think we're just acquaintances, you can call me Jasmine.
  • If you think we're good friends, you should really call me Jas 😉
  • BUT, if you think you're qualified to be my best friends, please give me creative nicknames because I know the first response would be - Jasmine Green Tea. Seriously, jasmine green tea doesn't even taste nice ahahaha. 🍵
Hmm...what else?


My birthday is on the 19th December 1998. Honestly, I do not think December is a really good month to have your birthday because...:
  1. My birthday is ALWAYS during year-end holidays.🎂
  2. My friends are ALWAYS busy to enjoy their vacations in overseas/outstations, some to celebrate Christmas as well. 🎄
  3. Since it's school holidays, the only choice was to organise a birthday party at my house and inviting my friends over for the celebration.🎉🎊
  4. In order to make it presentable, my parents always call for caters to provide food and beverages, which of course, costs a lot of money.
  5. And because my birthday is 6 days away from Christmas, most of my presents are Christmas-related gifts, and are often not useful items. They're like Christmas-cum-birthday gifts.🎁
  6. Air tickets ✈ are especially EXPENSIVE because of year-end holidays and Christmas 😬
I have completed my IGCSEs during May/June 2014 and enrolled in Cambridge A Levels in Taylor's College Subang Jaya. My course combination is Bioscience which consists 4 subjects : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Maths.

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