Tuesday 4 November 2014


Color Code Personality Test
There are two sections in this test: Strengths & Limitations (numbers 1-30) and Situations (numbers 31-45). Please read the instructions for both sections and make sure you understand them before beginning the test.

PART 1 : Strengths & Limitations

This section consists of 30, 4-word clusters. For each cluster choose the one trait that best describes how you behaved AS A CHILD. Try not to focus on how you wish you were, or how you would like to be. Remember, your first impression is usually the best.
TIP : Hover over the words to see the definition.

PART 2 : Situations

This section consists of 15 situations with four possible reactions to each. Again, consider the reactions in each question and mark the one response most like you AS A CHILD.
  1. As a child, when my friend was in trouble, I was:
  2. In my youth, I was most often criticized for being:
  3. In my youth, life was most meaningful when it:
  4. When I was embarrassed as a child, my natural reaction was to:
  5. Doing my chores was:
  6. In an argument with a parent, I was typically:
  7. When interacting with others as a child, I was most concerned with being:
  8. When making decisions with a group of my friends I was typically:
  9. In social situations, I was most often:
  10. When I failed as a child, I felt:
  11. To feel alive and positive in my youth, I sought:
  12. If a friend crossed me:
  13. As a child, I was:
  14. I was most likely known for being:
  15. As a young person, I generally was seen as:

    Please tell us about yourself (all fields required)

    1. First name
    2. Last name
    3. Zip code
    4. Age group
    5. Marital status
    6. Gender
    7. Do you have training responsibilites at work?

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